tysdag 17. mai 2011


to the best supervisor one could dream of. From the moment you referred to yourself as an evil old man, I knew we would get along.
to my family, who have given me permission to be a stranger, but who always answered the phone when I needed your encouragement.
to my friends, for your unceasing support and well-wishes, as well as distractions and long coffee breaks.
to my flatmates Frida and Monica, for always believing in me and always giving me a real home to return to at the end of the day.
to the master students at IF, for comfort, laughs, academic insights and shared experiences.
to Procrastination United, my comrades in arms and the best quiz team in the history of English studies. Congratulations!

Og so: sjampanje!
I lesesalssalongen med sjampanje, kviss, kake og kryssord.
På Ad Fontes med godt i glaset og djupe sofaar.
På Fridays med god mat og gode folk - og dessert!
På Ujevnt - akk so tomme, akk so lukkelege, akk so trøytte.

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